Two of the most critical and tumultuous time periods for a person and their family can be when end of life care and palliative care are necessary. At Concierge Internal Medicine, we understand this and are experienced in providing the best support and guidance to help patients and their loved ones navigate this difficult time as best as possible. The first step to this is beginning to understand what these care plans entail.
Palliative Care
Palliative care is care that is provided to patients with serious or chronic illnesses. It is typically carried out by a team of physicians that are experienced and well-versed in handling the specific illness or illnesses of that type. Palliative care begins from the moment of diagnosis and runs through the entirety of treatment. It is centered around the patient’s quality of life and managing and preventing suffering to the greatest extent possible. The most important aspect of quality Palliative care is managing all the different aspects of treating chronic and severe illness: physical, mental, emotional, and social among others, Dr. Daniel Boss is highly experienced in making sure all of these are met and accounted for when creating a treatment plan built around the individual patients themselves.
End of Life Care
Everyone understands that at a certain point in a patient’s treatment the focus needs to shift from curing to making the remainder of a patient’s time as comfortable as possible given the spread of an illness or disease. This can be an emotionally heavy and grief filled time for everyone involved. Having a team in place to help provide guidance and care to ease the day to day maladies of the patient can help during this time period. It is important for everyone to know that a patient is in as good of hands as possible during their last days, and Concierge Internal Medicine can help coordinate caregivers to provide additional support as an option. End of life care also comes with the option of having emotional and mental guidance through hospice provided to families to give counsel as they go through these last days or weeks which can be beneficial for both the patient and their family.